Both Worlds
Album   Time     Track   10

My thoughts are far away, feeling sick cause I'm missin' you
You say sometimes I'm living in another world
Don't you think that I can feel it too?
But I lost my wings to fly away like a bird…

Maybe it happens sometimes
You say I've nothing more to prove
You look over my shoulder sorting alternatives
Waiting for the earthquake to perform the final move...

If you don’t see the beginning
If you don’t see the end.
It’s the moment that counts
So little time to spend.

Time will separate things, wrong from right
as time always did to reach out for eternity
So we count the last ones' who failed
And get lost in the crowd, lost in the crowd...

All I want is, that you stay for another while
Touch with me this stony walls
Our souls will fly straight to the other side
looking for the answer in both worlds...

If you don’t see the beginning
If you don’t see the end.
It’s the moment that counts
So little time to spend.

Lyrics by   Andy Alias     Music by   WeirdWired     © Copyright by   WeirdWired