Forbidden Love
Album   Time     Track   3

Sitting alone with my morning coffee
Another night of bad dreams in my bones.
Paralysed by the killing news you told me
Emotion Overdose. Emotion Overdose.

We cannot see us any longer, you told me
Cause you are married now.
You decided this is the best for both of us
Painful Surprise. Painful Surprise.

A life full of compromises
The days full of lies and fears.
Controlled by a holy book of unrealisable wisdoms
And what the family could say, what the family could say...

Posted in the queue of the broken hearted
I'm feeling alone, realising my love didn't count a thing.
Wasting away in this cultural barbed wire
Forbidden love. Forbidden love.

A life full of compromises
The days full of lies and fears.
Controlled by a holy book of unrealisable wisdoms
And what the family could say, what the family could say...

Lyrics by   Andy Alias     Music by   WeirdWired     © Copyright by   WeirdWired